TransUnion Rental Screening Solutions class action settlement 2023: Scam or Legit? Find Out!

Did you receive a notice from TransUnion Rental? Did you receive a mail about a class action settlement to resolve TransUnion Rental Screening Solutions lawsuit? This review will help you partake in the class action settlement after confirming the authenticity of the mail.

What Is TransUnion Rental Screening Solutions Class Action Settlement?

There is a proposed settlement in a class action lawsuit against TransUnion Rental Screening Solutions, Inc. (“TURSS” or “Defendant”) regarding its procedures reporting certain criminal and landlord-tenant records. TURSS denies it did anything wrong.

What Is This Class Action All About?

As part of the Settlement, TURSS will make changes to its reporting practices (the “Policy Settlement”). Changes to TURSS‘ business practices will include: 
 Implementing matching procedures whereby Criminal Records will not be attributed to any consumer in a Consumer Report unless TURSS matches the following identifying information of the applicant received by TURSS from the applicant and/or its customer at the time of the matching to the following identifying information contained within the public Criminal Record maintained by TURSS at the time of the matching: (i) a qualifying match on name; plus (ii) a qualifying match on date of birth, address or Social Security Number;
 Implementing changes in the formatting of its reporting of Landlord-Tenant Records in a Consumer Report to group records relating to a single legal proceeding between a landlord and tenant; and 
 Implementing changes to reasonably ensure that TURSS does not report Landlord-Tenant Records from sources that are visited less frequently than every sixty days.
 The Policy Settlement does not include any payments to Policy Settlement Class Members.
 Your legal rights are affected by the proposed settlement even if you do nothing

Who Is Eligible?

The settlement benefits all Policy Settlement Class member who TURSS reported or reports a Criminal Record and/or Landlord-Tenant Record about you to a third party at any point between November 7, 2016 and the Injunctive Relief Termination Date, which will be two years after the policy changes required by the Settlement are implemented.

How To Be Part of This Settlement

For class member to partake in this settlement, class members must submit a valid claim form on the settlement website in order to Receive benefits. Give up your right to sue TURSS in a class action lawsuit for the claims resolved by the Settlement. Keep your right to sue TURSS on an individual basis.

What Is The Pay For This Settlement?

The pay for this settlement varies and the proof of purchase is not necessary..


As you submit your claim to the settlement website, just like Eversource class action settlement we have reviewed, you’re doing so under penalty of perjury. You are also harming other eligible Class Members by submitting a fraudulent claim. The fairness of the proposed Settlement is on September 18, 2023.

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