Teslagiving Reviews 2022: Scam Or Legit? Find Out!

Have you heard of Teslagiving? Do you want to know if Tesla is really doing a giveaway? Do you want to find out if teslagiving.us is scam or legit? Read this review to find out more about teslagiving.us.

What is teslagiving.us

Teslagiving.us is a scam cloned medium site that is impersonating Tesla CEO, Elon Musk. They claim to be organizing a giveaway. According to the scam website, ”Оur cоmpаny dеcidеd tо оrganisе Givеаwаy due to the grоwth cryptоcurrеnciеs аnd upcоming hоlidays. We bеliеvе thаt $ 69K is only the first stagе in thе dеvеlоpment of Bitcoin. But 100K is already its rеаl pricе. Shоwing thе futurе for cryptocurrеnciеs аnd our develоpmеnt.”

However this is scam as this website does not in any have any connection whatsoever with the Tesla company. When you get to the Medium page, it redirects you to other three scam websites for the giveaway.

The scam websites are the websites were you are asked to sеnd 1 BTC, 20 ЕTH or 200,000 ХRP, yоu will hаvе сhаnсе tо rесеivе thе mаin prizе: Tеslа Сybеrtruck Сustom Modеl, shipping includеd.

Teslagiving Scam Format:

Wen you get to any of the redirected scam sites, you see instructions on how to partake in the giveaway and the format looks like this.

  • Step1: Make sure you have at least 0.5 ETH or above in your wallet.
  • Step2: Enter the amount you wish to invest below.
  • Step3: Enter the ETH address you want to receive the bonus with
  • Step4: Click the “Generate Payment” button to generate the payment address.
  • Step5: Send the amount you entered to the generated address.
  • Step6: Wait for at least 4 – 8 minutes.

The 2x bonus will be sent to the address you entered or the one you sent the ETH from.

However, this is a Big Scam as you never receive any bonus.

Steven, who fell victim to this scam said, he spent hours emailing the scammer website and tweeting the fake Elon Musk’ Medium account to try to get some or all of his money back. However, he eventually began to accept the money was gone forever.


From the foregoing, it is clear that teslagiving.us is a scam website impersonating Elon Musk. Elon Musk impersonators have stolen at least $2 million from investors in cryptocurrency scams over the past six months, according to the Federal Trade Commission. The theft is part of a so-called giveaway scam, whereby con artists pose as celebrities or known figures in the crypto world. They promise to “multiply” the cryptocurrency that investors send — but pocket it instead. Investors should be wary of such sites as their aims are to rip off unsuspecting investors.

I hope this helps!

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