Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Codes for [June 2023]

Attention gamers! We’ve got a handy list for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Codes and guide so you can get all the help you need.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Codes

All Working Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Codes

The good news for you is that we have revealed some active codes to redeem special items. Take a look —

  • TREASUREHUNT—Redeem for 10 Nuggets, 10 Rare Candies, and 1 Friend Ball (New)
  • PTCCHAMP10N2122 — Reward: Gastrodon in Cherish Ball w/ Ribbon
  • ROCKANDBATON — Reward: TM116 – Stealth Rock & TM132 – Baton Pass
  • LEVELUP — Reward: 10 Rare Candy
  • REV1VE — Reward: 5 Max Revive
  • CATCHBYBALL — Reward: 5 Nest Ball, 5 Dusk Ball, 5 Dive Ball, 5 Timer Ball, 5 Stealth Ball, and 5 Luxury Ball
  • Get via Internet—Redeem for Flying Tera Type Pikachu
  • Get via unique code if you pre-ordered the game in Nintendo e-Shop—Redeem for Adventure Set
  • Get via unique code if you bought the Double Pack — Redeem for 100 Pokéballs

Invalid Codes

  • ENJ0YBATTLE—Redeem for a TM82 (Thunder Wave and TM87 (Taunt) (New)
  • M0RESPEED—Redeem for 10x Carbos (New)
  • LETSTERA—Redeem for a TM171 (Tera Blast)
  • 1STCHAMPSV—Redeem for a special Oceania International Championship Garganacl
  • TOKUSE1STUDY—Redeem for an Ability Capsule
  • L0VEL0VEL0VE—Redeem for Two Love Balls
  • HAPPYVALENT1NE—Redeem for a Destiny Knot
  • 1TSUPT0Y0U—Redeem for League Points, Comet Shard, Star Piece or Stardust at random
  • G0FR1ENDLYSH0P—Redeem for League Points, Comet Shard, Star Piece or Stardust at random
  • BEFASH10NLEADER—Redeem for League Points, Comet Shard, Star Piece or Stardust at random
  • ENJ0YG0URUMET—Redeem for League Points, Comet Shard, Star Piece or Stardust at random
  • MAKEWA2AMACH1NE—Redeem for League Points, Comet Shard, Star Piece or Stardust at random
  • READY4RA1D—Redeem for 20k LP
  • HAJ1ME0R1G1NAL—Redeem for 10x Peanut Butter, 10x Prosciutto, 10x Hamburger, 10x Cream Cheese, 10x Noodles & Rice


How To Use Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Codes?

These codes can help you redeem your Pokemon Scarlet and Violet fast in simple and fast steps. Check the step by step guide below —

  • Open your menu with X.
  • Go to Poké Portal.
  • Select Mystery Gift.

How do I get more Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Codes?

We are constantly sending our loyal subjects out to find new Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Codes. But if you want to try to find some yourself, we suggest you start by joining the official Discord server to receive them. Nevertheless, we will update our codes anytime one is released.

Why aren’t my codes working?

Mind you, some codes exceptionally expire speedily and may even become inactive after 24 hours or less. If you attempt to enter a code and it says Code Expired, that code is no longer active and, regrettably, cannot be redeemed. There is nothing you can do to fix this issue, the code is simply unobtainable.

If you attempt to type in a code and it says Invalid Code, this means that you’ve likely mistyped the code or neglected to use the correct capitalization. If this happens, try to retype and re-enter the code once more, being sure to copy it exactly as it’s written!

There you have it, all the valid Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Codes. We’ll keep a keen eye out for new promo codes and add them to this list when the developer makes them available. Thank you for reading to the end.

If you’re looking for codes for other games, we have Delivery simulator codes, Night agent redeem codes, Build A Market CodesRocket league codes posts.

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