Panic-stricken Halloween as Rainbow Fentanyl thrives under the guise of Halloween candy

What is Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is a blue narcotic analgesic approved by the FDA for treating severe pain and also to be used as an anesthetic. Fentanyl is 50-100 times more potent than morphine and 30-50 times potent than heroin. It sells under brand names such as Actiq, Sublimaze, Fentora and a few others. Its dosage form varies from tablets to lozenges to nasal and sublingual sprays to eyedroppers and patches as well as injections. These it is trafficked more as a powder solely or mixed up into other opioids.

Fentanyl Origin

Fentanyl was first developed in the year 1959 by Paul Janssen in Belgium and introduced in 1960 as an anesthetic administered intravenously in the United States. Since the year 2011, Fentanyl overdoses have been recorded alongside other modifications and incorporation of the the drugs into other opioids leading to spiking morbidity as well as challenging health conditions. 2018 having recorded the outrageous toll of death rates still remains one of the never forgotten year of health crisis in the United States.

India is becoming a source for finished Fentanyl powder and Fentanyl precursor chemicals even though Mexico and China are the main nations from which Fentanyl and drugs related to it are trafficked into the United States under street names like Tango & cash, Great Bear, China Girl, King Ivory and many other disguised names.

What is Rainbow Fentanyl?

Rainbow Fentanyl are fake tablets that are loaded with Fentanyl and are made to resemble sweets, including pills, powder and blocks that resemble sidewalk chalk. Rainbow Fentanyl is available in a a variety of vibrant colors, shapes and sizes in an effort to entice young adults these days. It is a synthetic opioid with potency deadlier than heroin and morphine drugs.

What does Fentanyl do the body?

Fentanyl as an opioid drug binds itself when ingested to pain receptors in the brain causing a reduction and an uplift in emotions. This in turn yields to relaxation and happiness.

Fentanyl Abuse Rate

Experts have associated its increased addiction to decreased heroin supply leaving the country so Fentanyl which is cheaper and more potent strikes as an alternative in the pushing market with the pros of being easy to produce and procure is causing high toll of addiction among youths. Fentanyl cases were dealt with since 2020 but the drug has ever since become a widespread plague today incorporated in high doses into other drugs and masked in flashy colors to appear more daring.

Signs of Overdose

  • excess sleepiness
  • slow breathing
  • slow heartbeat
  • loss of consciousness
  • limp body(which may be firm because of the drug)
  • small shrunken fixed pupils
  • choking sounds
  • pale or cold skin, lips and nails.

Treatment options

Medication treatment may include Buprenorphine and Naltrexone which aids in body withdrawal of Fentanyl and detoxification. Therapy is also essential to support with long-term addiction behavior and managing triggers of anxiety and conflicting feelings. The best option for a particular individual should be discussed properly to aid rehabilitation process.

The Halloween Scare

While scenarios or cases of Rainbow Fentanyl on Halloween has not been recorded anywhere, it still remains a bother to parents who are in constant dread of their naive children this drug obliviously or getting involved in smuggling /trafficking this drug as merchandise between buyers and their customers and in worse cases, car accidents that may occur when overdosed addicts speed on Halloween night leading to lethal casualties.


As fun as Halloween gets, extra concern and protection should be reinstated among children and youths as precautionary measures taken for a just course. Unfamiliar candies and shady businesses should be reported if spotted to aid the government in obliterating this plague for good.

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