Did you receive a Norton Lifelock SCAM Email claiming that an “annual product membership” to a Norton product has been renewed including offers with fake links to buy or renew antivirus or other security services? Read this review to find out why you should be wary of such mails.
What is Norton Lifelock SCAM Email
Norton Lifelock SCAM Email are fraudulent mails sent by scammers to get your personal information so they can use it to scam you. They come in form email from an unknown contact claiming that an “annual product membership” to a Norton product has been renewed including offers with fake links to buy or renew antivirus or other security services , The phishing emails have, unsurprisingly, nothing to do with Norton. They are however links created by the scammers to obtain personal information from unsuspecting people. The link however links to other phishing websites that trick victims and also hacks their personal information.. However when one clicks on the links they inadvertently send their information to the scammers who uses it fraudulently.
The Norton Lifelock SCAM Email often times contains viruses, spywares, malwares, which are harmful to devices and can hack and destroy a device. They come in different variations but have same trends, First, victims will receive an email from an unknown contact claiming that an “annual product membership” to a Norton product has been renewed. The products that are mentioned in the mail often includes, Norton Pc life, Norton family all device, Norton Life lock, Norton 360 auto edition, etc.
The best thing you can do when receiving an email like this is to block the sender and delete it. If you call the number, the person on the other end will often try to assist you. They will insist they need your banking details to verify the account and issue a refund. But this is all part of the scam. Norton is aware of the scam and have set up a website so users can verify the emails.
Norton Lifelock SCAM Email Format
A Norton Lifelock SCAM Email always comes in this form:
Payment successfull, Invoice DYU24012022LAM
Hello Customer!
Thank you for your interest in our products.
Your Annual membership for NORTON Lifelock Security has been renewed and updated successfully.
ITEM Finish Date Qty Total Amount Method of Payment
Norton Lifelock 1 $267.00 USD Auto Debit
Invoice No. DYU24012022LAM
Invoice Date: 2022-01-24
If you require urgent assistance,
please call our Experts for refund and settlement issue on +1 – ( 760 ) – ( 248 ) – 4214
Thank you!,
Patrick R.
You may also get other similar mails as they come in various form, it is in your own best interest that you don’t click on it, simply delete it and inform others so they don’t fall victim. If you call the number, the person on the other end will often try to assist you. They will insist they need your banking details to verify the account and issue a refund. But this is all part of the scam. The goal here is to lure unsuspecting victims to contact the scammers to try to obtain a refund. This would result in the theft of money from the consumer’s financial accounts.
In another case the scam email came from naoetancet6386@gmail.com, copied in nortoncc2022@outlook.com, and mentioned the phone number 937-340-1969:
Dear User,
Thank you for your interest in our products.
Your Annual membership for NORTON 360 has been renewed and updated successfully.
Product Title Finish Date Quantity Total Payment Method
NORTON 360 In 1 year 1 $548.00 USD Automatic Debit
Invoice No. ONK2022FY
Order Date: 2022-01-26
If you require urgent assistance, please call our Experts for refund and settlement issue on +1 – ( 937 ) – ( 340 ) – 1969
Aaron M.
The best course of action is to delete scam emails that make claims about Norton, renewals, and refunds.
From the Foregoing, it is clear that the Norton Lifelock SCAM Email is a phishing scam, Users should not click on the link if and when they receive such message.
To Read Further on other Online scams, Click Here.