Natera’s DNA analysis tests may cost more than advertised 2023 Lawsuit: Is It a Scam? Find Out!

Did you have Natera’s DNA or prenatal genetic testing? Did you receive surprise medical bills for Natera testing? Did you receive a mail about a class action on the settlement to resolve claims about Natera’s overcharged cost for DNA analysis tests? This review will help you partake in the class action settlement after confirming the authenticity of the mail.

What Is Natera’s DNA analysis tests Class Action Settlement?

Consumers have filed complaints in court and online through forums such as the Better Business Bureau claiming that Natera, a medical testing company, regularly overcharges consumers for genetic tests. Some patients were allegedly charged thousands of dollars for medical tests after being promised prices in the hundreds, putting significant financial strain on patients and their families. Consumers may be able to take legal action against Natera surprise medical bills in a class action lawsuit.

What Is This Class Action All About?

According to many patients, Natera charges surprise medical bills for its testing services. Consumers claim they were shocked to receive thousands of dollars in medical bills after being promised that testing would instead cost only hundreds.

Natera is a blood testing company that offers DNA analysis through oncology, women’s health, and organ health tests. Doctors may recommend Natera testing for patients to better inform them about health risks such as cancer, infertility and transplant eligibility. Specific Natera prenatal genetic tests include:

  • Horizon (advanced carrier screening)
  • Panorama (noninvasive prenatal testing)
  • Vistara (single-gene NIPT)
  • Anora (miscarriage test), etc.

The class action lawsuit claims that Natera intentionally makes it difficult to contact them to dispute surprise medical bills and, when consumers can get in contact, the company pressures them into making payments. The plaintiffs in the Natera class action lawsuit claim that they were told they could wipe away the $8,000 surprise medical bill with an immediate payment of $249 over the phone. Despite being promised that this payment would waive the remaining balance, the plaintiffs allegedly received additional bills for more than $700 in the following months.

Consumers who received surprise medical bills from Natera for genetic testing may be able to take legal action. A Natera surprise medical bill class action lawsuit could recover compensation for exorbitant testing fees.

Who Is Eligible?

This settlement benefits all class members who received surprise medical bills for Natera’s prenatal genetic testing.

How To Be Part of This Settlement

For a class member to partake in this settlement, they must submit their Valid claim on the settlement website.

What Is The Pay For This Settlement?

The pay for this settlement varies and the proof of purchase is not necessary.


As you submit your claim to the settlement website, just like Camp Lejeune class action settlement we have reviewed , you’re doing so under penalty of perjury. You are also harming other eligible Class Members by submitting a fraudulent claim.

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