Are you a farmer? Do you own a farm? Did you receive a mail about a class action on the settlement to resolve claims that Lely sold defective A4 milking systems to farms and farmers? This review will help you partake in the class action settlement.

What Is Lely A4 milking system defect $49.75M Class Action Settlement?
Farmers in the Lely class action lawsuit accused the company of selling defective A4 automatic milking robots. These machines allegedly failed to increase milk production or quality as promised and instead harmed both cow health and milk quality.
Lely agreed to a $49.75 million settlement to resolve a class action lawsuit claiming it sold defective A4 milking systems to farms and farmers. The name of the case is Kruger, et al. v. Lely North America Inc., Case No. 0:20-cv-00629-KMM-DTS, in the U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota.
What Is This Class Action All About?
Lely hasn’t admitted any wrongdoing but agreed to a $49.75 million class action lawsuit settlement to resolve these allegations.
Under the terms of the settlement, class members can receive a cash payment or a trade-in.
The settlement’s cash payment option includes a pro rata share of the net settlement fund based on the number of A4 robots purchased. These cash payments may be increased or decreased based on the number of class members who choose this option. According to the settlement website, compensation per robot is estimated to be $57,000 to $168,000.
In addition to pro rata payments, class members can receive a payment of $1,000 per A4 robot leased or owned as well as an extended warranty for each A4 robot or an additional $7,000 cash payment for each A4 robot.
In lieu of cash payments, class members can instead receive a trade-in offer. Class members covered by the settlement have the opportunity to trade in their A4 robot for a standard model A5 robot at a discounted price of $40,000. These milking system robots typically cost over three times as much, at $150,000.
Who Is Eligible?
The settlement benefits individuals or entities who purchased or leased one or more new Lely A4 milking system robots in the United States.
How To Be Part of This Settlement
To receive settlement benefits, class members must submit a valid claim form by June 5, 2023.
The deadline for exclusion and objection is April 4, 2023. The settlement website is
What Is The Pay For This Settlement?
The pay for this settlement varies and the proof of purchase is the Proof of lease or purchase.
As you submit your claim to the settlement website, just like Oklahoma Earthquakes class action settlement we have reviewed , you’re doing so under penalty of perjury. You are also harming other eligible Class Members by submitting a fraudulent claim. The final approval hearing for the settlement is scheduled for July 24, 2023.