Is Magnus Kristof Fuel Saver legit? 2022 Find Out!

Have you come across an ad online for the Magnus Kristof fuel saver? Do you want to buy the Magnus Kristof fuel saver? Is Magnus Kristof fuel saver a Scam? Is it Reliable? You may be asking, Does Magnus Kristof really work? The answer is NO. Read this review to find out why the Magnus Kristof fuel saver does not work.

What is Magnus Kristof fuel saver ?

Magnus Kristof fuel saver is a device with claims to save fuel. The fuel saver device is designed to work with the OBD2 Connector of your vehicle, and it remaps the engine according to driving style and reduces the overall fuel consumption of your car. 

When ordered the gas saver from it arrived with an instruction that ‘It should be plugged into your car’s cigarette lighter socket’. This sounded suspicious but we were curious and wanted to know the end result. Immediately we plugged the device into our car’s cigarette socket, it bean showing a blue light. After testing it we discovered it did not work, there was no fuel reduction whatsoever, just the blue light blinking continuously. We have seen other cases of scam fuel saver just like, Ecochip, Ecomax and similar to Kristof Magnus, it did not work.

Does Magnus Kristof Fuel Saver Really work?

The answer to this Question is NO, There is also a conversation ongoing on Quora about this scam device

It’s just unbelievable how much this device actually promises to people. By the way, they promise even more it says that with this item plugged in I can drive more than 2000 miles on a single tank. The work this fuel saver device works is weird because you need to plug it in the cigarette lighter socket of your car and guess what will happen next of course you will see a victorious led light that just tells you how stupid you are because you bought this fuel saver device. I mean how on the earth it could change the way your car consumes fuel. It just can’t reprogram your vehicles through the charge socket. It’s not working like that. It’s basically a little led flashlight that can hold its charge for a while but I don’t think that it’s a useful thing. There is no magic in the real world and it exists only in fairy tales and advertisements.


The claims that Magnus Kristof fuel saver is the best-selling fuel saving on the market is actually false. The Magnus Kristof does not save fuel consumption in anyway, The chip doesn’t re-align the molecular structure of the fuel before it reaches the fuel injectors. It is just an expensive LED flasher. There are also reviews online that says it is a total scam.

Is Magnus Kristof Fuel Saver a genuine Product?

No, the Magnus Kristof Fuel Saver is just a recycled piece of junk.  The unit does not have any connection to OBD communication. Only what is connected is Power for the flasher to flash. In order to do what these companies claim, you would have to redesign the car. The major parts of how much fuel any car uses are: vehicle weight, tire size, rolling resistance, friction in moving parts, number of moving parts in the driveline, etc. There is nothing plug and play that can alter these basic factors. From these critical points noted above, has a lot of red flags as there are lots of negative reviews about the device.


From every indications, it is clear that the Magnus Kristof Fuel Saver does not work, and is not recommended by us.

Just like viviizstores ,dicoola, alien-tees, galacmart, southood, crocodiletime and other suspicious websites, customers did not receive the items they ordered but a cheap item or nothing at all.

Do this If you have been Scammed!

Have you been Scammed? Here are some things to do if you’ve been scammed.

Contact your bank and and file complaints also request for a new debit card. If you used Paypal as a method of payment you should document the transactions for future purposes, you can do this by keeping a screenshot.

In as much as online shopping has made life easier and simpler, one ought to be careful when ordering things online to avoid the risk of a hacked credit card and overcharged fees. Before ordering things from an online store check out the following.

The website age, A return address, Customer Reviews and its social media presence.

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