Hangry Hippo Nft 2022: All You Need To Know! (hangryhippo.io)

Have you heard of Hangry Hippo Nft? Do you intend investing in hangryhippo.io? Read this review to find out more about Hangry Hippo.

What is hangryhippo.io

Hangry Hippo is a A community inspired by the new generation of entrepreneurs and world travelers choosing to pursue a path of success through crypto and NFTs. There are a gang of 5,555Hangry Hippos splashing their way through the metaverse.

The NFT combines the best of high-quality art at a low price point to give buyers massive upside. It also helps that each piece of artwork is a tech-powered rarity that is exclusively unique and detailed with 3D elements. 

How does hangryhippo.io work:

Hangry Hippo Official Collection was first minted on March 25th, 2022, The current sales floor is Ξ 0.02 for Hangry Hippo Official Collection. Based on a floor price of Ξ 0.02 and a circulating supply of 2,722, we’d estimate the market cap of Hangry Hippo Official Collection to be $169,322 at an Eth price of $3,110.

More about Hangry Hippo

It consists of 5,555 Hangry Hippo Nfts, united together on the Ethereum blockchain.

Hangry Hippo vision

50% MINT SELLOUT: At 50% of mint sellout, they will purchase land in the Sandbox Metaverse. You – the hippo holders – will choose where the community owns land.

100% MINT SELLOUT At 100% of mint sellout, they will purchase more land in the Metaverse – OR – they will take the land they already own and turn it into an income generating asset through renting or building within the land. The team has extensive experience with real estate development and would apply this expertise to their Metaverse community assets.

GIVING BACK TO CLEAN WATER: At 100% of mint sellout, Hangry hippo claims it would also be giving $30,000 to the organization Charity Water. Being a bunch of hippos, water is everything to them. Turns out they are not the only ones. 1 out of 3 people have no access to clean drinking water. As a community, they want to be part of the solution.10% of the hippo royalties will continue to be donated to Charity Water.

SO WILL OUR ROADMAP: 40% of the hippo royalties will go toward the ongoing community fund.

Is Hangry Hippo legit?

Not much is known about Hangry Hippo . before investing, please do your due diligence, by conducting a thorough research. To learn about other crypto- currencies we have reviewed, click Here.

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