Eight Eleven Group per diem $318K class action settlement 2023: Scam or Legit? Find Out!

Did you receive a notice from Eight Eleven? Did you receive a mail about a class action on the settlement to resolve claims about the Eight Eleven Group per diem $318K lawsuit? This review will help you partake in the class action settlement after confirming the authenticity of the mail.

What Is Eight Eleven Group per diem $318K Class Action Settlement?

Eight Eleven Group agreed to a $318,000 class action settlement to resolve claims it failed to properly compensate per diem workers for overtime work. The name of the of the case is Denham, et al. v. Eight Eleven Group LLC, No. 3:22-cv-00531-JAG, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia.

What Is This Class Action All About?

Plaintiffs in the class action lawsuit claim Eight Eleven Group failed to pay its workers for overtime workers under the guise of overtime exemption. According to the plaintiffs, they did not qualify for overtime exemption under federal and state labor laws and should have received additional overtime wages which took into account per diem payments. 

Eight Eleven Group is a healthcare technology company that offers services under divisions such as Brooksource, Medasource, and CalculatedHire.

Eight Eleven hasn’t admitted any wrongdoing but agreed to pay $318,000 to resolve the per diem class action lawsuit. 

Under the terms of the Eight Eleven Group settlement, class members can receive a cash payment based on their payment terms and the number of work weeks they worked during the Class period. Class members received a payment estimate with their mailed settlement notice. 

Half of each settlement payment will be considered wages and subject to a W-2 tax form. The other half of each payment will be treated as non-wage income and be subject to a 1099 tax form. Class members may wish to consult with a tax professional about the implications of accepting a settlement payment. 

Who Is Eligible?

The settlement benefits all class members who worked for Eight Eleven Group as an hourly exempt computer technician or an hourly non-exempt employee who received per diem payments and worked over 40 hours in one or more work weeks between Oct. 11, 2019, and Oct. 23, 2022.

How To Be Part of This Settlement

For a class member to partake in this settlement, class members must submit a valid claim form by June 28, 2023. There is no exclusion or objection deadline listed on the settlement website.

What Is The Pay For This Settlement?

The pay for this settlement varies and the proof of purchase is not necessary.


As you submit your claim to the settlement website PerDiemSettlement.com, just like the Zonolite class action settlement we have reviewed, you’re doing so under penalty of perjury. You are also harming other eligible Class Members by submitting a fraudulent claim. The settlement was granted final approval Feb. 27, 2023.

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