Eagle Road Oil Oklahoma earthquakes $850K class action settlement 2023: Is It a Scam? Find Out!

Did you receive a mail about a class action that Eagle Road Oil wastewater disposal wells resulted in the Pawnee earthquake and Cushing earthquake in Oklahoma? This review will help you partake in the class action settlement.

What Is Eagle Road Oil Oklahoma earthquakes $850K Class Action Settlement?

On Sept. 3, 2016, a 5.8 magnitude earthquake hit Pawnee, Oklahoma — setting the state record for the highest magnitude ever recorded. Shortly after in November 2016, another 5.0 magnitude earthquake hit near Cushing, Oklahoma. Both of these earthquakes in Oklahoma caused significant property damage.

After the Cushing earthquake, several plaintiffs took legal action against Eagle Road Oil, arguing the company’s disposal of fracking wastewater directly caused the earthquakes.

Plaintiffs in the case sought to hold Eagle Road accountable for the property damage sustained as a result of the two earthquakes.

Eagle Road Oil has agreed to a $850,000 class action settlement to resolve claims its wastewater disposal wells resulted in the Pawnee earthquake and Cushing earthquake in Oklahoma. The name of the case is Adams v. Eagle Road, et al., Case No. CI-2016-00078, in the District Court of Pawnee County, State of Oklahoma.

What Is This Class Action All About?

Eagle Road hasn’t admitted any wrongdoing but agreed to pay $850,000 to resolve these allegations. 

Under the terms of the Oklahoma earthquake class settlement, class members can recover cash payments based on their “zone,” or proximity to Pawnee, and any damages sustained as a result of the earthquakes. Claims within each zone fund will vary depending on the number of claims filed and each class member’s damages:

  • Zone A claimants with damaged properties within 25 miles of Pawnee have the strongest legal claim and will be able to receive a payment from 50% of the net settlement fund 
  • Zone B claimants with damaged properties between 25 and 50 miles from Pawnee will receive payments from 25% of the net settlement fund
  • Zone C claimants with damaged properties between 50 and 100 miles from Pawnee will receive payments from 15% of the net settlement fund 
  • Zone D claimants with damaged properties over 100 miles from Pawnee have the weakest claims and will be able to receive payments from 10% of the net settlement fund

Who Is Eligible?

The Eagle Road Oil class action settlement benefits individuals and entities who owned property in Oklahoma since Nov. 15, 2014, and whose properties suffered damages due to the Pawnee earthquake on Sept. 3, 2016, and/or the Cushing earthquake on Nov. 6, 2016

How To Be Part of This Settlement

In order to receive Eagle Road settlement benefits, class members must submit a valid claim form by Dec. 29, 2022. Claims must provide documentation of damages in order to receive payments.

The deadline to submit a claim in the Territory, Cummings and Tarka settlements is May 30, 2023. Class members who file a timely claim as to Eagle Road will have that claim automatically be applied to the Territory, Cummings and Tarka settlements and will not have to refile their claim.

The deadline for exclusion and objection is Sept. 5, 2022. The settlement website is PawneeEarthquakesettlement.com.

What Is The Pay For This Settlement?

The pay for this settlement varies and the proof of purchase is the documentation of damages.


As you submit your claim to the settlement website PawneeEarthquakeSettlement.com, just like Connected Investors Robocalls class action settlement we have reviewed , you’re doing so under penalty of perjury. You are also harming other eligible Class Members by submitting a fraudulent claim. The final approval hearing for the Eagle Road Oil settlement is scheduled for Sept. 15, 2022.

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