Audiophile Music Direct, 2023 class action settlement: Scam or Legit? Find Out!

Did you receive a notice from Audiophile? Did you receive a mail about a class action settlement to resolve Audiophile Music Direct lawsuit? This review will help you partake in the class action settlement after confirming the authenticity of the mail.

What Is Audiophile Music Direct Class Action Settlement?

The case is Tuttle, et al. v. Audiophile Music Direct, Inc., et al. United States District Court for the Western District of Washington at Seattle –  Case No. 22-cv-01081 

What Is This Class Action All About?

A settlement has been proposed in a class action lawsuit, Stephen J. Tuttle, et al., v. Audiophile Music Direct, Inc., et al., Case No. 2:22-cv-01081-JLR (the “Case”), involving the marketing and selling of certain of the MoFi Records between March 19, 2007 and July 27, 2022 containing a direct stream digital (“DSD”) step in the mastering chain (the “Settlement”).
This case arises from allegations that Defendants Audiophile Music Direct, Inc. (“Music Direct”) and Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab, Inc. (“MoFi”) falsely marketed and promoted certain MoFi Records as produced with “analog-only” methods, without the use of any intervening digital step, when in fact they were allegedly produced using an undisclosed DSD transfer step in the mastering chain.

The Plaintiffs allege that by misrepresenting the source and provenance of the MoFi Records, Defendants acted unfairly and deceptively, and breached their contractual obligations to the original retail purchasers. Music Direct and MoFi vigorously deny all allegations of wrongdoing and liability.
The United States District Court for the Western District of Washington authorized this notice. Before any compensation is paid, the Court must decide whether to approve the Settlement.If you meet this definition, you are a Class Member:

All original retail consumers in the United States who, from March 19, 2007, through July 27, 2022 purchased, either directly from a Defendant or other retail merchants, new and unused Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab, Inc. (“MoFi”) vinyl recordings which were marketed by Defendants using the series labeling descriptors “Original Master Recording” and/or “Ultradisc One-Step,” that were sourced from original analog master tapes and which utilized a direct stream digital transfer step in the mastering chain, and provided that said purchasers still own said recordings (the “Applicable Records”). Excluded from the Class are persons who obtained subject Applicable Records from other sources.

Who Is Eligible?

This settlement benefits all individuals who purchased a Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab “Original Master Recording” or “Ultradisc One-Step” vinyl record (the “MoFi Records”), you could get a payment from a class action settlement.

How To Be Part of This Settlement

For class member to partake in this settlement, class members must submit a valid claim form on the settlement website by September 21, 2023.

If you wish to exclude yourself from the settlement, you’ll get no Settlement relief. This is the only option that allows you to ever be part of any other lawsuit against Defendants about the legal claims in this Case. Your exclusion must be submitted or postmarked by August 22, 2023.

If you wish to object, write the Court about why you do not like the Settlement. You must submit or postmark your Objection by August 22, 2023.

The deadline for the objection and exclusion for this settlement is August 22, 2023.

What Is The Pay For This Settlement?

The pay for this settlement varies and the proof of purchase is necessary.

If you fail to file valid and timely claim form, by doing nothing, you will get no payment and you give up your rights in this case.


As you submit your claim to the settlement website, just like Optimum, Suddenlink class action settlement we have reviewed, you’re doing so under penalty of perjury. You are also harming other eligible Class Members by submitting a fraudulent claim. The Final Fairness Hearing is scheduled for October 30, 2023 at 9am PST.

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